What is Classy Bucks and what makes you so special?
Classy Bucks is an affiliate program for a first FULL HD 3D PORN SITE
. This is high quality 3D Full HD Stereo content which are regularly updated and where the webmaster of the site has a genuine understanding of the niche. We believe this makes the site more appealing to its members and keeps them coming back for more. We have an ever growing number of sites with high conversion ratios which are regularly updated. Many also gave ‘added value’ such as interactivity or associated discussion forums.
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What commission do I get?
All our sites work on a lifetime percentage basis where you will get at least 50%  plus bonuses of each sale.

How can you provide us with all this custom content?
Classy Bucks is supported by www.ClassyContent.com , a long established high quality content provider. Thus as part of our regular shooting program we are able to produce custom content to help you promote our websites.

I have an adult paysite. Can I promote it through Classy Bucks?
Yes! We are happy to discuss the possibilities of promoting and running your adult paysite through Classy Bucks. This is particularly good if you are a lone webmaster struggling to start and run a paysite by yourself. Join with us and we can all benefit from the traffic. Contact us now for an informal discussion.

Email: [email protected]

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Content Produced by www.ClassyContent.com